Come Start a Revolution with Me
"Even though I have come to be wary of dead heroes and the overwhelming burden their martyrdom imposes on the living, I will allow myself a prophecy. Or maybe it is a warning.
More than 3 billion human beings on this planet right now live on less than $2 a day. And every day that breaks, 40,000 children — more than one every second! — succumb to diseases linked to chronic hunger. They are there, always there, the terrifying conditions of injustice and inequality that led Che many decades ago to start his journey toward that bullet and that photo awaiting him in Bolivia.
The powerful of the earth should take heed: deep inside that T shirt where we have tried to trap him, the eyes of Che Guevara are still burning with impatience."
Attributed to: Ariel Dorfman
Ariel Dorfman holds the Walter Hines Page Chair at Duke University. His latest novel is The Nanny and the Iceberg
Rise up Riley, and fight the "Capitalist Octopuses" - We need a good Marxist revolution, and who better to lead a guerrilla campaign than you (although you better ask your Mom if she is really prepared for Guevara style socialism)
By Anonymous, at 1/17/2006 2:26 PM
There is obviously a 'solidarity' gene (albeit recessive) that your Mother inherited from her Mother. Hurrah, she expects to pass the same gene on to you. Can't wait to march with you at the Labour Day Parade.
By Anonymous, at 1/18/2006 3:12 PM
I agree with that crazy anonymous poster!!
By Ella, at 1/18/2006 9:58 PM
But we WON the war on poverty. We beat the poor.
By Anonymous, at 1/19/2006 4:56 PM
Riley this is your best post yet! Che Guevara is a controversial pop icon (one part revolutionary - one part homicidal brute). I think it is great that a t-shirt can generate such fantastic commentary from your friends and family. You have received comments from a socialist Nonna and a social elitist Grandad. Apparently you share genetics with both of them! Good luck with the revolution. I think I will watch from the sidelines.
By Anonymous, at 1/20/2006 3:10 PM
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