I am really, really liking dogs and puppies these days. I stop and want to pet every one I see when I am out for a walk or in the park. I am definitely going to get one for our house. Really. I don't care what you say, Mom. But I will take care of it. I AM OLD ENOUGH! REALLY. Puh-lleeeeezzzzz!!!!
I love doggies too - other people's doggies. I think a good age for you to have a dog is 35. Until then, why not get a job (when you are a teenager) as a 'dog-walker'. Best of both worlds, somewhat like being a grandparent, take great joy in being with a special person and then take relief in returning the 'joy' to those responsible.
By Anonymous, at 7/23/2006 8:37 AM
Is that the dreaded 'pirate' dress in the photo? I thought it was not going to be worn for anything but Hallowe'en!
By Anonymous, at 7/23/2006 8:41 AM
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