Riley Hunter

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Playing in the Garden

Hmmm, I'll have to think about it...

well, yes, I do enjoy a good duck motif. As is plainly demonstrated here. My friend Cory gave me this great blanket. I am going out for lunch and to the 'bucks with him soon!

Visiting with Carol Lee

Carol Lee came to visit with me - all the way from High River, Alberta. She was in TO with her husband Doug, who is a good friend of my Dad's. She is also an expert on raising beautiful little girls - she has three!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What the ........How much did you say???

I visited the doctor today, but her scale must be wrong. She told me I weight 12 lbs (which is in the 95 percentile for my age).

I guess its ok though, because I am 23 1/2 inches tall - also putting me in the 95 percentile.

Over-achieving already. Mummy and Daddy are so proud.

A kiss for Nonna B

Reading with Mummy

This is a really good book. Thought provoking, subtle plot twists, and excellent character development. I highly recommend it. The title is "Fuzzy Bee and Friends."

Back at Home

After all that activity and fresh air, I had to re-adjust to city life. Here I am, relaxing on our couch. Mum - get me a snack, will you?

Singing and Dancing

There was a lot of singing and dancing while we were up north - here are me and Pen enjoying the show!

Pen at the Cottage

Here is a pic of my cousin Pen in his cool hat. Doesn't he look sharp?

Having a Snooze

Here I am, still at the cottage. This is pretty much my favorite thing to do there!

Another Visit to the Cottage

Here I am up at Aunty Deenie and Uncle Eric's cottage, hanging out and having a great time.

Visiting with Olivia

Here are me and Mummy with Deedee and her baby, Olivia. Olivia was born about a week after me. My pacifier had a bit of gripe water on it - so it tasted extra yummy. It was the first time I tried that - Mummy is going to add it to her
"ways to soothe me when I am a bit cranky" repertoire.

Lounging Around

Obviously, this was taken before my morning latte. I am modeling my lovely bunny slippers, a present from my Aunty Liza and Unlce Jordan. They are just the thing in the boudior!

Uncle Jordan's B-Day

This picture is a bit out of order - cause his b-day was a few weeks ago (the same day that Ella arrived!) but he looks funny blowing out the candles, so I thought I would post it. I, on the other hand, was quite upset. I am not used to a party not being all about me!!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Me and Ella

Here we are at Safta's house for shabbat - ready to get out of these seats

The Big Bounce

Loving the bouncy chair!

Poo Happens

Poor Daddy. He really should be more careful.

Lip Smacking Good!

My Uncle Donald came to our house for a tea party. We had a lovely time - with lots of good things to eat - obviously, it was very delicious!

More Pictures of Ella

I went with Mummy and Daddy to see Ella in the hospital on Monday night - here are some pictures from our visit.

My Cousin

I would like to introduce my cousin - Ella Rae. Isn't she a cutie? She was born on August 8th, at the same hospital as me and weighed 7 lbs 13 ozs. I am so happy she is here!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Where's my cousin?

Uncle Jordan and Aunty Liza getting in some last minute practise - my cousin is coming any day now!

Not sure about this...

My Great Aunty Sharon and Uncle Brian gave me an awesome swing. I am still getting used to it - the glowing, musical fish sometime are too crazy for me, as you can see.

Hangin' Out

Ummm - what a difference a few weeks makes - I am almost double my weight from when I was born. But still as cute!

My First Bottle

Here is Daddy giving me my first bottle - he looks like a seasoned veteran, no? I didn't do so badly myself!

Our Family

Here we all are - right at the end of the day. I am a little tired, but boy, did I have a great time! Thanks again for coming - see you all soon!

More Party Pics!

Here are more pics of me and my friends - doesn't Andy look like a baby pro? He has had lots of practice being around babies - both literally and figuratively!! Hee Hee.

A Party for Me!

My Aunty Liza and Aunty Shelley made a lovely party for me and Mummy - so everyone could come and meet me! It was a great day - sunny and warm, with lots of great food and most importantly - lots of friends! These pictures are of (starting top left) Smira and Aisha, Aunty Carrie and Aunty Liza and Mum, Aunty Shelley and Aunty Mara, and Lana and Maxa and Mum. Thank you everyone for coming!

Zaidy and Me

Finally - some updates! I am sorry it's been a while, I've been pretty busy, going places, seeing people and having a great summer. This is a picture of me in my new bathtub with Zaidy Al. I know it is very dark - Mummy forgot the flash.