Riley Hunter

Friday, December 29, 2006

A Christmas Gingerbread Story

Look at this cute gingerbread man that my Nonna lovingly baked for me. I look as pretty as a picture on the cover of a Christmas catalogue. I am going to sit and eat my cookie as daintily as possible.

Hmmmmmm, this doesn't taste as good as I thought it would.

Noooooo, not at all.

So long, sucker. Posted by Picasa

Christmas Dinner

Do we seriously have to wear these paper hats? Really? I just can't - it looks weird and it's ruining my hair. Please take it away. Posted by Picasa

Christmas Morning

We celebrated Christmas with Nonna and Grandad and Uncle Devin. Here I am at Nonna's, opening my stocking (note special colour motif) and checking out the beautiful Christmas tree.

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Enjoying Science

We went to the science centre for the first time (well, my first time, and mummy's kinda first time, as she tends to avoids centres that are devoted to such things as science) and it was great!

First, apparently shopping is science and that was fun and surprising (for mummy at least).

Then, Dad showed me lots of cool stuff like how kinetic motion works. Please feel free to post any questions on the subject for him.

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Last Night of Hannukah

Don't the candels look pretty? But um, I'm hungry so let's eat, already. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hannukah Party!

We had a Hannukah party at Safta's on Sunday with Ella and my Uncle Jordan and Auntie Liza. We all had a great time - and I (as clearly demonstrated in the final picture) was so loving my special Hannukah balloon I mistook it for a latke.

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Hannukah Visit

My Zaidy Al and Lori came over on Saturday for a Hannukah visit and gave me a great present (the same one I spied early in the month, hidden away) - a fab bathrobe! We had a nice visit, and I even got a little storytime as part of the deal.

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Still love this old thing!

In the midst of all my new toys, some are just too fun to forget... Posted by Picasa

Scenes from my Daycare Holiday Party

The second major event was my daycare's annual holiday party/sing-along. This one was much more tolerable, mostly because I kept far, far, away from robust men with white beards.

I do like those colourful lights though - you can see I am very particular about how they are placed on the tree and need to adjust 'till they are 'just so'. This is a genetic trait I inherited from my Nonna.

Also note that my Mummy cannot fit into the daycare chair/boxes. Her intake of holiday treats has since been limited.

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Recovered, with presents

Sometimes a little peace and quiet (found here in Mummy's office), coupled with french fries and a nice present will cure anything, especially PTSD in 18-month olds.  Posted by Picasa

Maclaren Christmas Party

Well, the holiday season is in full swing, and I started it off at my Mummy's office kids' party.

It was fun, but the guy in the red suit made an appearance and he didn't really impress me much. In fact, the whole experience was so deeply disturbing that I have chosen not to post the photos that captured the whole sordid thing, and have blocked the entire experience from my psyche, leaving years of therapy a distinct possibility.

Here I am, pre-trauma, with my friend Mikhail and his mummy, Smira. Posted by Picasa