Riley Hunter

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Vintage Pic

Wow! This was taken when I was only four days old, and having to spend some time "at the beach" (explains the zoned out frame of mind and red cheeks). What a difference three and a half months make!

Don't drop me!

.... I am not sure Evan is enjoying this together time.

A visit with the Schreier Family

Here I am with Shayna and Evan. Isn't Evan a cutie? I admit, I have a bit of a crush!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Caught in the Act!

I'm sorry Ella - I won't do it again. This play mat is just too small for the both of us...

Just a quick...

...tug on your hair to let you know I love you.

Ka Pow!

See Ella, this is too the way my Daddy used to play with your Daddy!! And don't go crying to your mum, either...

Tour Guiding

And to my right, please notice the gurgling stream. Lovely, no? Please stay with the group, as we'll stop here for a few photos, then it's on to a bathroom break.

Cut it.


No more.

That's it.

I've had enough of this pathway. Turn this thing around and step on it.

My Visit to Edwards Gardens

Mummy and I went for a nice walk in Edwards Gardens.

Here I am with the bullrushes and long grass, a picture just like my Great Aunty Deenie wanted to take up at the cottage. Except I am in my stroller, whereas she thought it would be cute to float me in my Moses Basket...

Back To Work

As you can see - Mummy and I went back to work for a day, and we were very busy. First, I met with Laura, who is our boss. We had a great visit, got all the updates, and then had a working lunch. Then, we helped Aisha get some planning completed for one of our clients, Camp Oochigeas. Kimberley and I discussed the changes in the creative department. Smira and I talked about the AE she just interviewed and lastly, Cory and I reviewed some creative concepts. As you can see, I was a bit surprised at what was presented. Did they even look at the brief? Read the Selling Strategy? It was a very fun day, but I needed a drink and a nap when it was all over!

Some good reading

I love Beetle Bug, but Mum keeps turning the pages. Good thing I know how to do it myself now.

My Bjorn

I dont know about Ella, but I am loving this new mode of transportation. It may have something to do with the quick access I get for my mid afternoon snack

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Out and About in The Kingsway

Me and Grandad going for a walk on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Cuddle Time!

Having a cuddle with my Great Aunty Regan - and sucking my fist/thumb - a relatively new thing for me. Both quite tastey.

Aunty Regan is helping my Nonna decorate my room (well, it'll be half my room) at her house - I can't wait to see the final outcome. I hear Better Homes and Gardens AND Martha are very interested too....

One Last Family Picture

What a great day!

Smiles all round!

Here is my cousin Ella and her very proud parents!


a new face to my blog! My Uncle Devin, who has been very successful in dodging the family paparazzi - until now. Here he is posing with me and Mummy and looking super!

Four Generations...

I was so happy that Nonna B was there! This is one of my favorite pictures.

Lots of Family Pictures...

My Special Day

On Thursday, September 8th I had my baby naming ceremony. My hebrew name is "Rivkah Dina". I am named for my Daddy's Bubbe Rae and Bubbe Dorothy.

It was held at Beth Tzedec and the Rabbi was Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl. My cousin Ella had her naming then too . It was really great to celebrate together.

These are pictures Daddy took at home - don't I look pretty? Check out my great dress and my awesome pink silk Mary Janes. They were a special present to me from Daddy's colleague Susan. Perfect for this occasion!

Daddy and Maris

Maris taught Daddy a new game - "Ring around the Rosy". I hope he remembers how it goes so he can play it with me when I am big enough!

Visiting with Les, Cindy and Maris

We had a fun time - isn't Maris cute? What a great smile she has! I must not have been in the same smilely mood...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

What's Over There?

This is me and my friend Lindsay. We had a play date at her house last week - she is a little younger than me - but we had fun! Her mummy is Maxa - whose picture is in the post from my party a few weeks back.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hey Reds!

Three generations of gorgeous!

Lucky Me...

I have a zaidy and a grandpa to spoil me!

Take that, Blue Whale

Get out of my way, I'm almost rolling over!