Riley Hunter

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ah, Cottage Life!

Happy relaxing on the deck! Posted by Picasa

Me and Mum

Splashing with Mummy! Posted by Picasa

Not so sure about this...

Trying out my floaty, to mixed results. Posted by Picasa

Beach Ball Fun

Playing with Pen, Nonna and Auntie Dini. Posted by Picasa

This is more like it!

A quick ride around the lake with Pen and Auntie Carrie. Posted by Picasa

Float my boat!

Crusing on dry land in the peddleboat. Posted by Picasa

I Can't Believe It!

That's what froggies really look like? Posted by Picasa

Bathtime Improv

This cottage has it all, except a tub. Posted by Picasa

Two Weeks at the Cottage!

Well, I am back from my vacation up at Bell Lake.

My Nonna and Grandad rented a cottage and Mummy and Daddy and me went along to keep things interesting! It was also close to Aunty Dini and Uncle Eric's cottage, so I got to see Pen and Vinnie alot too!

Here's a family portrait on the beach!
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